The Arab nations must be on our side. And if we catch them financing, if they funnel money to IS, that's when sanctions and other actions have to kick in.
The direction of this country is going into the wrong direction.
DCGS is hard to learn. It takes a long time. You have to use it all the time, which means it's not a simple technology that people are used to and can buy off the shelf today. And frankly, it doesn't do what it's touted to do. That's why you see units out on the battlefield asking for very similar things.
We should quit using phrases like 'turning points' and 'tipping points.' There's been multiple turning points, multiple tipping points.
If we are going to conduct a population-centric strategy in Afghanistan, and we are perceived as backing thugs, then we are just undermining ourselves.
I believe that our country is going in the wrong direction, and I have a very strong desire to help out in any way that I can.