A gray flannel suit by Thom Browne or Tom Ford can be worn a billion ways. I'll wear a gray flannel jacket with a white shirt, gray flannel tie, beat-up fatigues, and a dress shoe or Carpe Diem boots.
A man in Tom Ford will develop a nice, long relationship with the brand. Ford is very smart about positioning his product. He's a name that is going to remain huge.
For me, a Thom Browne suit is an investment.
Bloggers and stores and publications and brands and houses all need to sort of take a deep breath and relax because no one is going away. The brands aren't going away. The designers, bloggers, publications aren't going away.
I feel like the menswear blogger is a special breed, and by that, I mean they really have brought menswear out of the closet and into the public discourse where guys are not afraid to talk about style, dressing, clothes.
Great product trumps all. You can have the biggest marketing budget, the biggest show, a perfect merchandising plan, but at the end of the day, it doesn't mean anything if the design and quality of the product you are offering is not compelling.