Too much agreement kills a chat.
Compromise brings harmony to both, happiness to none.
I will never compromise Truth for the sake of getting along with people who can only get along when we agree.
The agreement or disagreement or its sense with reality constitutes its truth or falsity.
Together, we form a necessary paradox; not a senseless contradiction.
As Donald Goldsmith notes, when astronomers say that the galaxy M87 is 60 million light years away, what they really mean ('but do not often stress to the general public') is that it is somewhere between 40 million and 90 million light years away - not quite the same thing.
One of Dawkins' major gripes is against religion. I am in total agreement on that one. I abhor religion.
The problem is that Abu Mazen signed an agreement with the Hamas and the Islamic Jihad.
Under a decades-old agreement, Palestinian refugee camps are supposed to administer and police themselves. Lebanese troops are technically not allowed to enter them.
Politics and the pulpit are terms that have little agreement.
Victor and vanquished never unite in substantial agreement.
Raising ambition in 2014 is crucial for arriving at a meaningful climate agreement in 2015.
The Good Friday/Belfast Agreement was a bilateral one between ourselves and Ireland and did not involve the E.U. at all. It just presupposed common E.U. membership as a facilitator of its successful operation.
There are some classified documents there that we received from the CIA. Our arrangement with the CIA was that we could by mutual agreement declassify these documents, but we had no authority to unilaterally declassify them.
I've never seen the Collective Bargaining Agreement.
The compact which exists between the North and the South is a covenant with death and an agreement with hell.
I was an assistant once. I worked for Rob Reiner and his family. I did sign a confidentiality agreement, though.
Fully implementing the WTO trade facilitation agreement is one ingredient to reduce border delays and costs for traded merchandise.
The North American Free Trade Agreement marked a fundamental change in the global trade scheme.
An agreement cannot be the result of an imposition.