Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold.
May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house.
May the odds be ever in your favor!
May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.
May you live as long as you wish and love as long as you live.
The first and foremost thing is to be loving toward yourself. Don't be hard; be soft. Care about yourself. Learn how to forgive yourself— again and again and again— seven times, seventy-seven times, seven hundred and seventy-seven times. Learn how to forgive yourself. Don't be hard; don't be antagonistic toward yourself. Then you will flower. And in that flowering you will attract some other flower. It is natural. Stones attract stones; flowers attract flowers. And then there is a relationship which has grace, which has beauty, which has a benediction in it. And if you can find such a relationship, your relationship will grow into prayer, your love will become an ecstasy, and through love you will know what God is.