We do not rejoice in victories. We rejoice when a new kind of cotton is grown and when strawberries bloom in Israel.
I was a hard-workin' little boy. Oh, I worked. Pullin' cotton, shockin' grain, cuttin' wheat, loadin' wheat, choppin' cotton, cleanin' chicken houses, milkin' cows, plowin'.
In essence, I'm a sophisticated cotton picker.
I was influenced a lot by those around me - there was a lot of singing that went on in the cotton fields.
My childhood home backed onto wheat and cotton fields.
Possibly you are not aware of the fact that the largest sum given by any contributor to the fund is but a trifle when compared with the losses suffered by nearly all the firms in the cotton trade during the disastrous years of the American war.
Manchester's history is cotton and wool. Birmingham's is iron and steel.