Hang on! God will be thy strength in any act of your pursuit.
When we understand people; when we understand situations; when we understand what matters; when we understand the whyβs, the whatβs and the howβs; when we understand the trigger of actions, we least inflict pain on ourselves and unto others.
Why settle for a lesser vision? When you are destiny for greatness!
Everyday gratitude sweetens what appears flavorless and brightens all that appears dim.
The possibility of the dream gives strength.
Life is the only thing which can never be replaced when lost.
The victory over our inner self is a daily struggle. Be strong and do not give up.
Joyfully we undertake our daily work.
So much in writing depends on the superficiality of one's days. One may be preoccupied with shopping and income tax returns and chance conversations, but the stream of the unconscious continues to flow undisturbed, solving problems, planning ahead: one sits down sterile and dispirited at the desk, and suddenly the words come as though from the air: the situations that seemed blocked in a hopeless impasse move forward: the work has been done while one slept or shopped or talked with friends.
We do not get to choose how we start out in life. We do not get to choose the day we are born or the family we are born into, what we are named at birth, what country we are born in, and we do not get to choose our ancestry. All these things are predetermined by a higher power. By the time you are old enough to start making decisions for yourself, a lot of things in your life are already in place. Itβs important, therefore, that you focus on the future, the only thing that you can change.
But if you forgive someone for something they did to you, it doesnβt mean you agree with what they did or believe it was right. Forgiving that person means you have chosen not to dwell on the matter anymore; you have moved on with your life.
Today is a new day and it brings with it a new set of opportunities for me to act on. I am attentive to the opportunities and I seize them as they arise. I have full confidence in myself and my abilities. I can do all things that I commit myself to. No obstacle is too big or too difficult for me to handle because what lies inside me is greater than what lies ahead of me. I am committed to improving myself and I am getting better daily. I am not held back by regret or mistakes from the past. I am moving forward daily. Absolutely nothing is impossible for me.
When you work on something that only has the capacity to make you 5 dollars, it does not matter how much harder you work β the most you will make is 5 dollars.