An itinerant selfish gene/ Said 'bodies a- plenty I've seen./ You think you're so clever/ But I'll live for ever./ You're just a survival machine.
I have an acting crush on Gene Hackman; I have an acting crush on Tommy Lee Jones. Gary Cooper. Jimmy Cagney. Michael Gambon. Simon Russell Beale.
When I was 8, I thought I was Harrison Ford, Gene Wilder, Richard Pryor, Elvis, and Chuck Norris all at once.
Heritability pertains to the entirety of the genome, not to a single gene.
I'm really influenced by Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly.
Gene Hackman was a superstar in the '70s - with that face!
Gene Hackman is one of the great American actors of all time.
I was at dinner with Gene Wilder and imitated Ethel Barrymore for everyone.
The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard.
Gene Wilder is so funny.
In my DNA, the Zionist gene is extremely strong.