I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
I have horrible anxiety.
It's horrible when actors say that they are apolitical.
Trump apologized for nothing, including the horrible tape, right? No apology.
It was a horrible, terrible, atrocious, offensive football game.
All through Latin America, there's sharp condemnation of the criminal atrocities of Sept. 11. But it's qualified by the observation that although these are horrible atrocities, they are not unfamiliar.
I got caught kissing. Like by my parents. It was so horrible. It's so embarrassing, I'm blushing.
Characteristics of a popular politician: a horrible voice, bad breeding, and a vulgar manner.
My brothers were tremendous shack builders. My shacks were horrible. My brothers once built a two-story shack from the ground up that was awesome!
I'm a horrible business person.
I'm no good with chords. I'm horrible with chords.
There's some horrible connotations in the word 'reunion.'
The justice systems in San Diego, Alameda, and Sacramento counties are horrible.
I was called really horrible, profane names very loudly in front of huge crowds of people, and my schoolwork suffered at one point.
I curse too much. I really do. I have a horrible cursing mouth.
My first book was so horrible I have deleted all copies of it. Thankfully, it was before the Internet, so there are no lurking caches of it anywhere.
Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.
Facebook and Twitter are like a horrible digital plague.
As horrible as jail was, there were some first-rate guys in there.
I have horrible shoe hang-ups. Particularly when it comes to flats.