The work of soul has nothing at all to do with your physical appearance, weight, height, muscle size, breast size, penis size, or the amount of hair on your head. Nothing physical endures, because nothing physical needs to endure. Nothing physical matters, because matter doesn’t matter. And nothing physical is worth perfecting, because that which is truly perfect was always yours from the beginning.
Namaste means the spirit in me sees the spirit in you. And do you see yet the great truth in this simple phrase? When your eyes and brain alone cannot see the spirit in another, the spirit in you sees it always.
No amount of sin-finding on Earth will bring you any closer to God. You won’t get a gold star on your soul when you return to Heaven, nor will anyone greet you with congratulations for identifying sinners on Earth and all their sinny, sin sins.
Once a human brain becomes aware of another kind of self within, it’s like unlocking all new powers and abilities for you, the soul. You’ll go from witness to creator, and your influence over the brain will only grow stronger and stronger as the brain matures. The brain begins to relax in a way, and finally gives power over willingly to the soul.
The death of the human body is not only inevitable, but necessary, too. Just as you’d never wish to be forced as an adult to wear clothes you haven’t fit into since you were five, the soul needs to move on and away from the body. It outgrows it.
It’s a funny irony, really, and one most humans seem to miss. When you manifest light, and allow your spirit to shine, you hurt no one, and your expression of joy is pure, but when you use your personality to purposely outshine another, you live under a shroud of darkness instead.
We cannot fully appreciate eternal life and all its bliss without first understanding the important testing ground of human life on Earth. We cannot be all until we are one. We cannot be raised high until we go low. And we cannot appreciate all our many freedoms until first we begin with nothing.
Ego, when given the chance, will direct all thoughts and actions to its own purpose and passion. It hijacks all work of the soul, and runs the mind and body completely contrary to the soul’s mission.
While on Earth, your soul will never stop glowing with the ethereal light. You will be, within yourself, an eternal flame, a reminder that you are, now and forever, something greater than the human body you inhabit.
All parents were once babies and children themselves, so try to remember this when observing parents from afar. Adults are just children who have grown up—they’re toddlers with longer legs.
The place you’re going is unlike anything you’ve ever seen or experienced here in Heaven. It’s a contraption of the most immense size, but it comes with walls and a ceiling that will, without any shred of variation or doubt, always come crashing down.
Real soul work knows there is no such thing as the other. The other is a myth, and a fabrication of an imperfect mind. A true being of light, fully possessed of itself and cognizant of its presence, sees only fellow beings of the one light whose individual brightness is sometimes dimming. To this end, your greatest mission in human form is to help others shine brightly as the angels they have forgotten they are. When you live like this, perceived darkness is but a fading shadow on the bright pane of existence, and only light goes on forever.
Judgmentalism is an inherent weakness that can be controlled and conquered over time, but only by allowing others to be who they are. We can help others grow and be better, but we do not help them at all by stepping on them or pushing them down. Only by shining our own light and helping others to shine theirs as well will we all find our way through the darkness together.
The Earth is a playground, but your spirit is no child. You are a seasoned veteran of soul caught up in the entrapments of human desire, and as the body’s resident higher self, it’s up to you to help that body behave responsibly whenever possible.
Namaste, a person says, and with just one word, she acknowledges so much. She acknowledges the existence of the soul, she acknowledges the existence of the soul within her, she acknowledges the existence of the souls within other people, and she acknowledges the need to remember this holiest of holy truths often.
People refuse to believe in their higher selves, and think Heaven is in some far-off place due north. This Santa Claus conundrum is troubling for those of us who see light and life as it really is, but for humans stuck in their 2-D theology, it’s the best they’ve been able to come up with so far.