I ascended the mountains to hear the voice of God, and was answered in echoes from afar.
Awaken, for life is only a fleeting moment, between coming and going.
On some good days, life teaches you what to do, and on better days, it teaches you what not to do.
Be where you are, and you will find the way. You lose your way when you lose your head.
Do not burn with passion, for everything that burns, turns to ashes.
Some silences are a poetic pause, and others denote that the music has ended.
If people were seasons, she'd be monsoon. After every downpour, the garden laughed like her, wild and free.
The night air was soft, and laden with the redolence of impending blossoms. The sky unfolded and lit up the earth in jubilation. Welcome Spring !
The extent of my existence seen is not me.. I am boundless, immeasurable, I am infinite.
The essence of things is lost in translation, as love and understanding are lost in expectation.
We expend more effort in trying to forget memories than in trying to create them.
Being a woman, I am misunderstood more when I talk than when I stay silent ! Meeta Ahluwalia
Being a woman, I am misunderstood more when I talk than when I stay silent !
Life changes as you do,
Time is relative. It is both arriving and passing away.
We often shared words, but more precious were the moments we shared in silence.
In strokes of fresh blue, pink and orange dispersed with soft white kisses, the sky writes letters to me.
Silence hung in the mountainsβ A waft carried chants from a monastery, a flock of birds joined.
We worship the form, and seek the formless. The Nameless is sought by reciting names. With closed hands, closed minds, we seek Him.
We seek peace in wars, build barriers to feel free. Our doing is our undoing.