The clear, peaceful mind,the mind runs for Creativity,for a pouring river song,the mind meets the Muse,in such a transcendental junction,o yes! Creativity blooms in abundance,the world enlightens.
Peace is the greatest state that Human minds ever longed to find Delight,Peace is as well the secret act that makes a Creative Heart renowned.
A lie is yet a lie, though bought worldwide; soon it shall fade with coming of new tide. Truth remains truth, though stepped on like a dime; soon it shall reign with the passing of time. A lie lasts as long as there's suppression, for lies were but of man's fabrication. Truth lasts as long as there's constellation, for truths were but of Nature's formation.
Have you been caring to all your children? Will they take you than be at old folks' den? Will they feel honored pushing your wheelchair? Will hearts break when your breath runs out of spare?
If you are happily married for what you have highly devoured from your beloved wife,is however legal,the world clasps respectfully, without any means to disapprove,though jealous and you too had given your wife an Heavenly drink,many a time with her mind's consent in order to fill what 'Eternal Sexual Divinity' is all about.
Ah! stir well your fancy, fear not to tell me those deep heart secrets now,look the sun goes down the high hills and by the tree shades we sat,in adored pose;along side the lake we sat,kissed by the winds nigh.