Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.
Ultimately, the appraisal of Grant's presidency rests upon posterity's view of Reconstruction.
With me it is exceptionally true that the Presidency is no bed of roses.
The Sudan bombing is a blot on the Clinton presidency, and a blot it ought to remain.
As with almost every significant aspect of the Bush presidency, its handling of 9/11 was a catastrophe from start to finish.
Eventually, Nixon ran a very centrist presidency, not a Goldwater conservative presidency.
In 2012, Vladimir Putin returned to the presidency after a four-year, constitutionally imposed hiatus. It wasn't the smoothest of transitions. To his surprise, in the run-up to his inauguration, protesters filled the streets of Moscow and other major cities to denounce his comeback.
Scrubbing floors and emptying bedpans has as much dignity as the Presidency.
Nixon officials foreshadowed both the historic distinction and seamy underside of the presidency.
For President Bush, the first, the 41st president, George Herbert Walker Bush, I spent all 4 years of his presidency on the staff for the National Security Council.
You don't run for the presidency out of nostalgia.
The presidency is more than a popularity contest.
As soon as I moved to Princeton in 1978, I became fascinated by local history, much of it Revolutionary War-era; and I became fascinated by the presidency of Woodrow Wilson at Princeton University.