They kept me in a cage for too long because now every room I am standing in is just another cell.
There is nothing like scrubbing toilets for a living to make you question the choices you have made in life.
bad breath and butt smell; that is prison, in a nutshell.
Many times, we give beautiful names to our miseries and catastrophes. And that's how we lock down the memories inside us, from which we always want to escape.
Hicks szemĂĽgyre vette a könyveket, amiket Maura begyűjtött a polcokrĂłl: Peter Straub, Clive Barker, Joe Hill. - Ezek horrortörtĂ©netek! - kiáltott fel. - Hagyjuk, hogy az elĂtĂ©ltek ilyesmit olvassanak? - Csak ezt olvassák, meg a romantikus regĂ©nyeket, uram - jelentette ki Maura (...).
Instead of making prisoners out of our students, we ought to make students out of our prisoners.
If we go to Chihuahua we must be considered as prisoners of war?
Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.
Not all political prisoners are innocents.
The African prisoners are orderly and peaceable among themselves.
What I have experienced is nothing compared to what political prisoners in prisons suffer.