What an author likes to write most is his signature on the back of a cheque.
Art is the signature of civilizations.
Drip is me. That's my signature.
I got a bunch of my own, but my favorite signature move of all time is Ric Flair's Figure Four Leglock.
My signature jam is damson or quince, and it's called 'Kate's Sweet and Sticky'. Basically, I'm a domestic goddess.
A man's kiss is his signature.
I'm just overwhelmed with the fact that I had a signature shoe. It's actually 'my shoe.'
And roast beef and Yorkshire pudding is my personal signature dish.
My signature dish is a khoresht fesenjan. It's a stew with pomegranate and walnuts.
Can you braid three strands? Then you can make babkallah. The very idea of babkallah came about because the recipe avoids the complicating twisting technique that gives babka its signature swirl.