An escalator can never break: it can only become stairs. You should never see an Escalator Temporarily Out Of Order sign, just Escalator Temporarily Stairs. Sorry for the convenience.
I do have a blurred memory of sitting on the stairs and trying over and over again to tie one of my shoelaces, but that is all that comes back to me of school itself.
Our house was bombed, and the roof fell in. We were sitting under the stairs of the basement, and we were quite safe, but it brought home the realization. In two nights 400 people were killed in small town.
All the years I coached, we sent a card to every professor for each kid I had, and I was able to keep track on a daily basis who cut class or who was dropping a grade average. What I did was bring that kid in at 5:00 in the morning, and he would run the stairs from the bottom to the top until I told him to quit.
When I first came down stairs, for two or three minutes I went down cellar to the water closet.
My show mode is that the dressing room is like going into the cockpit. Going down the stairs is like going on the runway, and once we begin performing, it's flight time. I'm just floatin' on that stage.
I keep my own personality in a cupboard under the stairs at home so that no one else can see it or nick it.
And opposite the bench, the dock, divided by a partition, with the women to the left and the men to the right, as it is on the stairs or the block in polite society.
If I have to move up in a building, I choose the elevator over the escalator. Because one time I was riding the escalator and I tripped. I fell down the stairs for an hour and a half.
I'll take the stairs instead of the elevator, or when I'm on a phone call, I'll do squats or pace the room when I'm talking. We're modern women! We have to figure out how to make it work, right?
I think he came to the front door and rang the bell, and Maggie let him in, and he said he had forgotten his key; so I think she must have been down stairs.
The first stage I preformed on were the stairs to the hallway in the living room. There was a really nice platform, and when people were sitting in the living room, it was kind of an elevated platform and we would put on shows and skits.
Now, finally has the elevator arrived. The stairs was about to become a personal inferno.
You can't be aware of everything. You'd fall down the stairs if you were aware of every intricate thing involved in going down stairs.
As a kid, I was more scared of the supernatural stuff and ghosts and goblins and the Crypt Keeper from 'Tales from the Crypt.' I was always scared he would chase me up the stairs, as a kid.
I have a nervous breakdown in the film and in one scene I get to stand at the top of the stairs waving an empty sherry bottle which is, of course, a typical scene from my daily life, so isn't much of a stretch.
I have piles of poetry books in the bathroom, on the stairs, everywhere. The only way to write poetry is to read it.
I trip walking down the stairs, but I can skate them probably.
The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs.
I collect fantasy swords, replicas from films, and have them displayed on the wall as you go up the stairs.