The heart is the throne of God and the heart is the mother of all the desires!
No throne in the world can substitute a beach chair.
When greed is enthroned, be it in a community or nation, ungodliness is celebrated at the altar of human pleasure.
We can approach God's throne with boldness because we are confident in the power of what Jesus accomplished for us at the cross.
Crime butchers innocence to secure a throne, and innocence struggles with all its might against the attempts of crime.
A throne is only a bench covered with velvet.
Most critical histories of U.S. involvement in Iran rightly began with the joint British-U.S. coup against democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953, which installed Pahlavi on the Peacock Throne. But it was Kissinger who, in 1972, greatly deepened the relationship between Washington and Tehran.
If in prayer I come before a throne of grace, the faults of my prayer will be overlooked.
It is more honorable to be raised to a throne than to be born to one. Fortune bestows the one, merit obtains the other.
God hath made it a debt which one saint owes to another to carry their names to a throne of grace.
It's really annoying for me. That's not what I'm playing for, to be the face of the NBA or to be this or that or to take LeBron's throne or whatever.
On the throne, one has many worries; and remorse is the one that weighs the least.
Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne.