Don't just hope: Be, do, and live in the moment.
Nothing is possible without belief. You can't step into the potential of possibility without any faith. Believe that it is possible.
In life, there are bound to be difficult times. Don't lose hope. Keep trying.
Hold on, keep trying, don't give up even when you think you can't.
The first step in achieving anything is the belief that you can.
I believe in miracles because I am surrounded by miracles every day. My very existence is a miracle.
Don't lose faith in humanity. There are good people out there. You have the power to make a difference.
Trust in yourself. Have faith in yourself. Have hope. Be open to possibilities.
We are so much more than just our physical selves.
You are being called to be an agent of the divine. Will you accept your mission?
You are as strong as you believe yourself to be.
Sometimes, it is necessary to quiet the mind in order to be able to hear. How can we tune into what is going on outside of ourselves, if it is drowned out by what is going on inside of ourselves? Find your stillness, find your calm, and listen. Allow the universe speak to you.
A successful person doesn't make excuses. They deal with reality.
Sometimes, it is necessary to distance ourselves emotionally in some relationships.
When we live in alignment with who we are and how we want to live, we will attract and find like-minded individuals.
Make time for those who make time for you. Treasure those who care enough to invest their time and energy. Friendship is for giving.
Stop assuming people can read your mind. Communicate yourself.
If you watch and pay attention, good or bad, people always reveal themselves.
A lot of disagreements are born from misunderstandings. Communication is key.
The relationship you have with yourself will determine what your relationships with others will be like.