To say enlightenment is the objective of the universe, is the most compassionate lie ever. Getting to the ocean is not no goal for the stream. It just reaches somehow. Man if lives with his nature, just as water lives with it’s own nature, to flow downwards, with courage and passion, reaches there though. Sad, we develped all sort of moralities which water didn’t.
The day machines become conscious, they will create their own set of problems. Why would they even bother about us ?
Future can alter your past too, perhaps no wise man has told this before.
Love is divine. Yet it seems to come from the unconscious. Man is perhaps too much nostalgic to his animal past.
You love what you love, no reasoning, no shit, for their lies your soul.
To become enlightened means, to know what you are, what you are not, and still be everything.
If you are pretending to meditate, you are meditating already. Because you know you are pretending. Knowing what you are doing is meditation. Karma yoga is karma plus awareness.
First build a little faith upon life, then jump!
Samadhi is, you dying in your own lap.
Brahman is pure consciousness while matter is disillusioned consciousness . Both cannot exist at once. You cannot sleep and wake up at once. It’s not a theory, neither a hypothesis. It’s a fact.
Samadhi is, you, dying in your own lap.
When mind contemplates matter, it’s science. When mind contemplates soul, it’s philosophy. When soul observes mind and matter, it’s religion.
Lose everything, but not soul. Gain anything, but first soul.
Human body is the universe itself compressed into an intelligible size.
Man rather doubts a Buddha’s light than his own darkness.
If you have an ego bigger than your body, grow a bigger body, your ego won’t shrink. If you have an ego bigger than your soul, grow a bigger soul, your ego won’t shrink
Evolve, untill gods look puny to you.
A meditative mind gathers no Karma.
Give me a little space in your heart. And I shall sing to you the hearbeat of freedom.
Man is an incomplete being, he needs to connect, thus social. A sanyasin is on his path to completion, he needs to disconnect, thus asocial. Buddhas are complete beings, they are simultaneously connected and disconnected, thus beyond both.