Go out and do your drills that you do to try to get better. You lift your weights, try to take things from the classroom to grass, try to get better every day.
My dad was just a little trailer trash white dude that worked his tail off, didn't have a dad. He started working at 14, didn't get to play sports. He dedicated his life to his kids to let us live our dreams.
We ignore noise, and we really just to try hunker down on preparation, our practice, and going out and trying to play our best games on Sundays.
As a punt returner in the NFL, I know all about teamwork, high-speeds, and collisions on Sundays.
No one likes going out and sprinting 20 sprints, but you do it because it's going to help you.
I played 51 percent of the snaps outside, though. But you can go ahead and call me a slot as well.