I have been inspired by the way that Ken Clarke has navigated parliament. I am actively looking across the House for people I really respect and warm to and can learn things from.
Climate change poses a serious threat to global prosperity, security and wellbeing.
At the age of one, I was already heavier than most: doctors told my mum that she should start feeding me differently to the advice given by the health visitor. Yet I ate healthily, nothing was processed, and I was active and happy. But for whatever reason, I was on the bigger side.
I believe that Theresa May is going to end up with a botched Brexit that will satisfy no one and make sure that calls for a people’s vote on the final Brexit deal will only get louder.
At school I hated swimming and felt bigger and more self-conscious than all the other girls - and I would go to summer sports camps to desperately try to change my shape so that it couldn’t be one of the taunts aimed at me by bullies.
Having stared into the abyss of what it actually means for your life to be the leader of a political party, I'm just full of admiration and respect for anyone who wants to do it.