If only you could command your brain to actually do that. It would be cool to have some kind of remote control to switch off your thoughts. Thoughts off, Siri. Or, more positive thoughts, Siri. Forget about this thought, Siri. if only.
No one had ever wanted me. And for some reason I didn't even want me anymore. I wished I could have stepped out of my body and given it back, like you do with a shirt that doesn't fit properly.
I hope that you never cower from your dark chapters, but highlight them as proof of perseverance, endurance, and strength.
P.S. Success hits different when you spend more time clapping for yourself than looking down on your failures.
I also hope that you never cower from your dark chapters, but highlight them as proof of PERSEVERANCE, DETERMINATION, and STRENGTH. People need a fairytale. They need an inspiration. Sometimes they need to recognize that they are their hero. This is the tax of success.