To really change the world, we have to help people change the way they see things. Global betterment is a mental process, not one that requires huge sums of money or a high level of authority. Change has to be psychological. So if you want to see real change, stay persistent in educating humanity on how similar we all are than different. Don't only strive to be the change you want to see in the world, but also help all those around you see the world through commonalities of the heart so that they would want to change with you. This is how humanity will evolve to become better. This is how you can change the world. The language of the heart is mankind's main common language.
In a recent interview I was asked, what do I represent. And my reply was same as always - I represent a species with all its diversities, not a nation, religion or ideology.
Here I give you four foundational pillars of being human - four pillars of humanhood. The four pillars of humanhood are devotion, duty, acceptance and action - devotion to human interest, duty to stand up to discrimination, bigotry and injustice, acceptance of all humans regardless of belief, intellect and status, and action to eliminate the issues in one's society.
In a free society, people may be entitled to their belief, but they are not entitled to bigotry. To the bigots, this may seem like tyranny, but it's an absolute necessity, just like it is absolutely imperative that psychopathic murderers are kept off the streets.
People are what matters to me the most, and if they need their religion to cope with their struggles of life, then I'll defend their right to faith with all the might in my veins, no matter how many intellectual scholars speak ill of me.
Politics is not going to save this world, science and technology are not going to save this world, religion and spirituality are not going to save this world - what will is our understanding of which belongs where and to what extent.
If you use your life to improve the lives of even five people, that will be the highest fulfillment of your life, no matter how long you live.
Do you know the value of life? Would you give your scripture up for burning in a cold winter evening so that a few people can have some heat? Would you dress up as Santa Claus and give away gifts, bought with your hard earned money, to bring smiles on the faces of your neighborhood children? Would you give your turban up to dress the wound of a stranger? Would you go out and fix the potholes on the streets of your neighborhood yourself, instead of waiting for the government to do so? Would you rush to the aid of strangers when they are struck by disaster? If yes, then there is no greater enlightenment for you to receive - there is no greater divinity for you to acquire - there is no greater godliness for you to attain.
Are you insane enough for an idea! If you are, then no paradigm is big enough to depict your vision. Therefore, instead of trying to define your vision to others, you simply need to stand up and sacrifice all for that one idea - in your sacrifice lies the elixir of progress.
Take the steps beyond personal gain and personal pain, to bring victory upon humanity. Be the cause of humanity’s joy – be the cause of humanity’s cheer – be the cause of humanity’s harmony – and above all be the cause of humanity’s unification – even if it means walking on a road full of thorns every single day of your life.
Your blood is full with vigor my brave soldier of destiny, so bring all that vigor out in the service of your family called humanity.