Fashion and music are the same, because music express its period too.
School the sum of 12 years of productivity which have went in state of getting lost.
There was a period of time when I thought I had to be Alice Cooper all the time.
I didn't even know about amateur boxing, period.
A lot of period dramas can appear quite arch to most people, stuffy.
I don't ascribe to any particular style or period.
Bill Clinton is the greatest president of my lifetime. Period.
This was during a period when I was producing Brazil '66 records and got infected by Brazilian music.
Stress come with life, period, bro.
I had a period of thinking that I would have been called 'Newt the McPherson,' as in 'Robert the Bruce.'
Our favorite holding period is forever.
A period of detention in a chilly upstate facility can be a great attitude adjuster.
I am choosy about my films, period - whether it's my father directing it or anybody else.
Working with a new style of choreography is always a period of adaptation.
A period film is a gift for a cinematographer.
None of my costume designers have ever been nominated for an Oscar 'cause I don't do period movies that have ball scenes with a hundred extras in them.
AT&T will not block access to the public Internet or degrade service, period.
Let's be honest, dental care in America is extremely expensive, period.
Don't be dependent. At all. Ever. Period.
I love period dramas.