Happiness is the interval between periods of unhappiness.
Faulkner had an egg carton filled with periods and throughout his writing career, used nearly all of them.
Another senior librarian I interviewed that day told me that seeing the library in ruins so traumatized her that she didn't get her period for the next four months.
The smart phone is a really amazing device, but it is a bad idea to hold one next to your brain for extended periods of time.
In the sphere of thought, absurdity and perversity remain the masters of the world, and their dominion is suspended only for brief periods.
History has not dealt kindly with the aftermath of protracted periods of low risk premiums.
Borne out of this, starting around the 17th Century was the Baroque era. It is my view that it is one of the architectural peak periods in western civilisation.
One has to divide Warren Buffet into different periods. There is a continuously evolving style of Warren Buffett.
Life is a series of commas, not periods.
I leave my editor to put the periods and commas in.
There are so many things that have evolved since I wrestled. They don't have periods anymore. They have rounds... it confuses the younger demographic.
Innumerable confusions and a feeling of despair invariably emerge in periods of great technological and cultural transition.
It is in revolutionary periods that the culmination of previous trends and the beginning of new ones appear.
When you're a boxer, there is a lot of downtime and long periods of inactivity.
The critical principle demanded an examination, for instance, of the contribution of different periods, thus to some extent embarking on historical linguistics.
One writes fables in periods of oppression.
Quotations are useful in periods of ignorance or obscurantist beliefs.