BLACK AND WHITE I was born into A religion of Light, But with so many other Religions and Philosophies, How do I know which ONE Is right? Is it not My birthright To seek out the light? To find Truth After surveying all the proof, Am I supposed To love Or fight? And why do all those who Try to guide me, Always start by dividing And multiplying me – From what they consider Wrong or right? I thought, There were no walls For whoever beams truth and light. And how can one speak on Light's behalf, lf all they do Is act black, But talk WHITE?
There may be some truth (atheists) do not need to believe in a god to be good, but then if they do not believe in a god, who do they believe gives the Universal Law of following good and shunning evil? Obviously, mankind. But then that is a dangerous thing, for if a man does not believe in a god capable of giving perfect laws, he is in the position of declaring all laws come from man, and as man is imperfect, he can declare that as fallible men make imperfect laws, he can pick and choose what he wishes to follow, that which, in his own mind seems good. He does not believe in divine retribution, therefore he can also declare his own morality contrary to what the divine may decree simply because he believes there is no divine decree. He may follow his every whim and passion, declaring it to be good when it may be very evil, for he like all men is imperfect, so how can he tell what is verily good? The atheist is in danger of mistaking vice for good and consequently follow another slave master and tyrant, his own physical and mental weakness. Evil would be wittingly or unwittingly perpetrated, therefore, to recognise the existence of a perfect divine being that gives perfect Universal Laws is much better than not to believe in a god, for if there is a perfect god, they will not allow their laws to be broken with impunity as in the case with many corrupt judges on earth, but will punish accordingly in due time. Therefore, to be pious and reverent is the surest path to true freedom as a perfect god will give perfect laws to prevent all manner of slavery, tyranny and moral wantonness, even if we do not understand why they are good laws at times.
فقد أدرك الرجل (يقصد نصر حامد أبو زيد رحمة الله عليه) أن القرآن قد حُوصر بشبكة من المفاهيم والتصورات التى وجَّهت عمليات فهمه وقولبتها، ووضعت لها حدوداً وآفاقاً لا تخرج عنها، واكتسبت على مدى القرون - ورغم مصدرها البشري - قداسة توازى تلك التى للقرآن ذى المصدر الإلهي. ولسوء الحظ، فإن هذا الحصار قد أضرَّ بالقرآن وبالمسلمين فى آنٍ معاً. فقد أعجز القرآن عن أن يكون مصدراً للإلهام فى عالم متغير، وأجبر المسلمين، إبتداءً من اضطرارهم للانحباس ضمن تحديدات هذه المفاهيم الراسخة، على التعيُّش عالة على غيرهم من صُنَّاع العصر والفاعلين فيه. ومن هنا ما بدا من ضرورة الانعتاق من أسر تلك التحديدات، واستعادة القرآن الحى السابق عليها، والذى كان - وللمفارقة - قرآن النبى وصحابته الأكرمين.
If a god, deity or scripture commands that being in love with a person of the same gender is a sin, then such god, deity or scripture is more dangerous to the wellbeing and progress of the human civilization than a dog with rabies.
The Krishna Consciousness has nothing to do with the protagonist Krishna of Mahabharata. However, here the term Krishna is only a symbolic representation of utter divinity in the psyche of the Hindus. The Krishna Consciousness is basically, a mental state of transcendence, which can similarly be called as “the Christ Consciousness” or “the Buddha Consciousness” or even “the Naskar Consciousness”. Buddha hailed it as Nirvana, while Christ, upon experiencing it, said to his pupils, “I and the Father are one.” Upon emerging from this extraordinary state of Absolute Oneness, the Self turns into Krishna – it turns into Christ – it turns into Buddha.
Abandon the ceremonies and become an Awakened Soul – a soul that sees no color but the color of joy – no religion but the religion of love – no language but the language of compassion. Become compassionate my friend – become brave my friend! That is true religion. There is nothing else.
I don't advocate for collectivism, for I am the collective - I don't preach religion, for I am religion - and I am no materialist, for I am the matter and I am the spirit.
Sonnet of Sapiens No religion is greater than love, For love is the embodiment of divinity, No church is higher than the self, Cause the self is the manifestation of the Almighty, No worship is greater than help, For helping is the service of God, No prayer is as sacred as kindness, For in kindness lies the real act of the Lord, No scripture is more glorious than the mind, For the mind is the creator of the scriptures, So learn from that scripture within to be of help to your kind, And be the glue to the fabric of humanity healing all ruptures, Heal your kind my friend with your wisdom and warmth transcendent, If not you then who else will unify humanity and rise as sapiens triumphant.
Changing the family given name to a Sanskrit based name, doesn't make a person either free or holy - by doing so, one only exchanges one prison for another.
La Religion ne signifie pas obéir à certaines règles issues de livres écrits il y a des centaines ou des milliers d’années. La Religion signifie la réalisation du soi.