What I found when I became Secretary of State was a lot of doubts and a lot of concerns and fears from friends, allies, around the world.
In fact, in 2002, the Secretary of Defense authorized such support on a reimbursable basis to organizations formerly components of the Department of Justice and Department of the Treasury and currently components of the Department of Homeland Security.
Do we want someone as secretary of state that is somehow tainted in this Benghazi issue?
The first thing the secretary types is the boss.
When former Defense Secretary Robert Gates wrote his recent book, 'Duty', it was full of tough assessments and candor.
My dad was a civil servant, and my mum was a secretary.
As Governor, I will direct my Secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services not to distribute federal taxpayer dollars from that department to Planned Parenthood clinics.
As treasury secretary, I don't see it as my role commenting on the dollar in short-term movements.
During the Koizumi administration, I served as the Deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary as well as the Chief Cabinet Secretary.
Simply being secretary of state didn't allow Clinton to authorize herself to deviate from the requirements of retaining and transmitting classified documents, materials and information.
I was considered the luckiest of all the female gypsies since I landed the job as social secretary to Ambassador and Mrs. David Bruce at the American Embassy.
As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton was an active promoter of increased resource extraction in Latin America, pushing both fracking and the privatization of petroleum production.
In Honduras, in particular, Hillary Clinton as Obama's secretary of state was instrumental in legitimizing the coup's subsequent death-squad regime.
As education and employment secretary in 1997, I inherited hundreds of schools where the roofs leaked, the windows rattled, and they relied entirely on outside toilets.
By June 1974, Treasury Secretary George Shultz was already suggesting that rising oil prices could result in a 'highly advantageous mutual bargain' between the United States and petroleum-producing countries in the Middle East.
(A Foreign Secretary) is forever poised between the cliche and the indiscretion.
As press secretary, I spent countless hours defending the administration from the podium in the White House briefing room.
I didn't have a dream of being a press secretary, I had a dream of being a playwright; I had a dream of being a novelist and a poet.
Hillary Clinton wants a new title, and I would, too, if I already was secretary of the status quo.
I have great respect for President Bush, Secretary Powell and Secretary Ridge.