If you want something, you don't wait for the world to deal it out for you. You take it.
There were books about how to be gay; he'd seen them in stores and libraries. Some of them even had diagrams. But there weren't any diagrams about how to fall in love with your best friend and not fuck everything up.
Maybe they did what they had to do to live, and tried to get a little love and have a little fun before the darkness took them.
Yeah, I think A Confederacy of Dunces is probably the perfect New Orleans book.
New Orleans cuisine is Creole rather than Cajun.
My childhood may have been more demented than most, because I learned to read very early and was allowed to read whatever I wanted.
In high school I was the dog, always, and I never have felt comfortable or right in my body, and part of my whole exhibitionist thing has probably been a way of testing to see whether or not I really was this repulsive creature that I felt like for so long.
Some of the food in Liquor is food I've really eaten filtered through a veil of fiction.
There are people who must spend huge amounts of time composing these online diatribes against me, all about how disgusting and terrible I am and how no one should ever read my books, and it's not enough for them to hate me, they can't stand the fact that ANYONE likes me!
This is the point being missed by readers who lament Liquor's lack of hot sex scenes, probably because they aren't old enough to understand that a passionate relationship could be about anything other than sex.
In the Netherlands I read the first chapter of Exquisite Corpse to an audience that laughed in all the places I thought were funny - an experience I've never had in America!
My mother is an office manager, my father a professor of economics and financial planner.
And I can't think of a reason I'd ever use a pseudonym, as I wouldn't want to publish something that I didn't like enough to put my name on it.