Democrats must adopt a progressive economic message that focuses on large, direct infrastructure investments, affordable health care, portable pensions, and public-private investments that promote advanced manufacturing.
Tourism is a top priority activity for federal government, which is why it invests an average of over 2,500 million dollars a year in infrastructure works and integral projects that promote Mexico's culture and natural attractions.
The biggest mistake we made at in term of infrastructure was buying servers.
In terms of job creation, every billion dollars invested in the physical infrastructure creates 47,000 new jobs.
I do think the blockchain infrastructure is here to stay.
All Australians understand that high-quality, reliable and affordable broadband is a critical part of the infrastructure our nation needs to prosper in coming years.
We want to encourage a move away from polluting vehicles, aiming to ban new diesel and petrol cars by 2030, and expand electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
What are the 10 major legacies that European colonization have left behind? Issues of illiteracy. Issues of ill health. Issues of poor infrastructure. Issues of backward agricultural economies. And it goes on.
Physically robust infrastructure is not enough if it fails to foster a healthy community; ultimately, all infrastructure is social.
While I remain troubled by the Corps' inability to fully justify the Model they used for their commercial traffic predictions, America clearly has an aging lock and dam infrastructure on the Mississippi.
India's infrastructure is pathetic, with frequent electric power breakdowns even in metropolitan cities, dangerously unhealthy water supply in urban areas, a galloping rate of HIV infection, and gaping potholes that dot our national highways.
Proponents of privatization argued that cities and states needed private capital to fund all the upgrades that our decaying infrastructure so desperately needed.
I think our cities' deteriorating infrastructure is a silent crisis.
To be off the grid is to be disconnected from most of America's infrastructure without having to cross any border.
For infrastructure technology, C will be hard to displace.
You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure.
With proper infrastructure and packaging, India can certainly become a global player in agricultural exports.
Developing and newer democracies are much more susceptible to the tactics of populists and demagogues - they often do not have strong institutions, free press, or the infrastructure required to defend their nascent democracies.
I can sign all of the emergency proclamations I want, but that's not going to fix the infrastructure in urban Honolulu.
Infrastructure web services had to happen.