If you're reading this, I hope God opens incredible doors for your life this year. Greatness is upon you. You must believe it though.
Thunder roars but does not strike. Lightning strikes but does not roar. Choose to be lightning.
A diamond earns its sparkle from the pressure it endures.
knowing what you are passionate about is like knowing what you are thinking about. not even one human being can tell you what is going on in your mind. I am responsible for determining what I am passionate about.
If your life situation bothers you. You will do something to change it. I am sure by now you are out, hustling and trying something to change it. If not what are you waiting for. If you haven’t started. When will your situation change then.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Even thou the Lord has good plans for us. Our bad behaviour and morals will get in the way. Let us do good, and be good every second we get. In order to get claim what the Lord has in-store for us.
The reason why we don't progress or there are no job opportunities in our community and society is because ,when you start a business and people wish for it to fail. That some will do everything in their power to make it fail. They don't support it but they destroy it.
To lovers out there… Love is blind. It does not see any skin color, It does not see any body structure or body height It does not see if you are rich or poor It does not see if you stay close or stay far It does not see if you are educated or not Love the person you love without any doubt, irregardless who says what. Love does not have limits, parameters, boundaries or imperfections. When you make a decision to love someone then truly love them without hesitation. Love is for all. Everyone deserve to be loved, no matter who they are or how they are. Everyone deserve to be given a chance to express themselves.
Some people choose to lose their good friends , Who are good people because they correct them, are telling them the honest truth always , are telling them to do rights things always and telling them to behave well. They choose to lose good friends than to lose their bad habits, ways and character .
If you never been at a point where you have to choose. Evaluate your life. Success and Happy life starts by you making a decision to Choose and choosing not only right things but what will work for you.
The best invention to come. The best design. The best next things to come it’s right in front of you. It might be something you use daily. Look carefully in your hood .In your surroundings, or in your life. Look at what is at your disposal. Look at your culture. It might make you the next millionaire. Pay attention to your hood. Don’t allow people to steal how you live and make that their new invention or ideas that will make them millionaires.