Can he love her? Can the soul really be satisfied with such polite affections? To love is to burn - to be on fire, like Juliet or Guinevere or Eloise...
Politeness is organized indifference.
A gentleman is someone who does not what he wants to do, but what he should do.
As I am sure you know, when people say 'It's my pleasure,' they usually mean something along the lines of, 'There's nothing on Earth I would rather do less.' [...]
Politeness is the first thing people lose once they get the power.
Killing a cruelty is not a cruelty.
Let your knowledge be your adviser and not your arrogance.
If we don't know how to control ourselves, Authority, Power, Money and Success may make us arrogant and lead to destruction. यदि हम स्वयं पर नियंत्रण रखना नहीं जानते तो अधिकार, शक्ति, धन और सफलता हमें अंहकारी बना पतन के मार्ग पर ले जा सकते हैं ! © Sharad Kashyap
Manners and politeness will never become old-fashioned.
Reading at meals is considered rude in polite society, but if you expect to succeed as a writer, rudeness should be the second-to-least of your concerns. The least of all should be polite society and what it expects.
Politeness, n: The most acceptable hypocrisy.
Callousness and insolence bring to bare unanimous social condemnation, while the simple efforts of politeness are admired; even in those who are otherwise despised.
Ceremonies are different in every country, but true politeness is everywhere the same.
Courteousness is consideration for others; politeness is the method used to deliver such considerations.
Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
The ability to compromise is not a diplomatic politeness toward a partner but rather taking into account and respecting your partner's legitimate interests.
The chief prerequisite for a escort is to have a flexible conscience and an inflexible politeness.
Politeness is a desire to be treated politely, and to be esteemed polite oneself.
Politeness is only one half good manners and the other half good lying.
Politeness is half good manners and half good lying.