Before this generation lose the wisdom, one advice - read books.
All of us possess a reading vocabulary as big as a lake but draw from a writing vocabulary as small as a pond. The good news is that the acts of searching and gathering always expand the number of usable words.
Reading enhances logical thinking and motivates analyzing skills. It helps one's mind to be calmer and wiser. As the body seeks air, food, and water, the mind seeks knowledge, and it would be a huge waste if we didn't raise children from a very young age how to read passionately. Young readers are young thinkers, and a child who can think is a child who can face life problems with calmer manners and quieter approach.
For I need not remind such an audience as this that the neat sorting out of books into age-groups, so dear to publishers, has only a very sketchy relation with the habits of any real readers. Those of us who are blamed when old for reading childish books were blamed when children for reading books too old for us. No reader worth his salt trots along in obedience to a time-table.